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Real Analysis 1-4 (semesters 1-4)
    Basic notions. Axioms of the real numbers (semester 1, weeks 1-2; 0 problems)
        Fundaments of Logic (semester 1, week 1; 16 problems)
        Proving Techniques: Proof by Contradiction, Induction (semester 1, week 1; 20 problems)
            Fibonacci Numbers (semester 1, week 1; 6 problems)
        Solving Inequalities and Optimization Problems by Inequalities between Means (semester 1, week 1; 19 problems)
        Sets, Functions, Combinatorics (semester 1, week 2; 22 problems)
    Axioms of the real numbers (semester 1, weeks 2-4; 0 problems)
        Field Axioms (semester 1, week 2; 5 problems)
        Ordering Axioms (semester 1, week 2; 6 problems)
        The Archimedean Axiom (semester 1, week 2; 3 problems)
        Cantor Axiom (semester 1, week 2; 7 problems)
        The Real Line, Intervals (semester 1, week 3; 15 problems)
        Completeness Theorem, Connectivity, Topology of the Real Line. (semester 1, week 3; 4 problems)
        Powers (semester 1, week 4; 3 problems)
    Convergence of Sequences (semester 1, weeks 4-6; 0 problems)
        Theoretical Exercises (semester 1, week 4; 61 problems)
        Order of Sequences, Threshold Index (semester 1, week 4; 22 problems)
        Limit Points, liminf, limsup (semester 1, week 5; 15 problems)
        Calculating the Limit of Sequences (semester 1, week 5; 33 problems)
        Recursively Defined Sequences (semester 1, week 5; 21 problems)
        The Number $e$ (semester 1, week 5; 13 problems)
        Bolzano–Weierstrass Theorem and Cauchy Criterion (semester 1, week 6; 5 problems)
        Infinite Sums: Introduction (semester 1, week 6; 21 problems)
    Cardinalities of Sets (semester 1, week 7; 0 problems)
        Countable and not countable sets (semester 1, week 7; 6 problems)
        Not countable Sets (semester 1, week 7; 0 problems)
    Limit and Continuity of Real Functions (semester 1, weeks 7-10; 0 problems)
        Global Properties of Real Functions (semester 1, week 7; 20 problems)
        Continuity and Limits of Functions (semester 1, week 8; 33 problems)
        Calculating Limits of Functions (semester 1, week 8; 29 problems)
        Continuity and Convergent Sequences (semester 1, week 9; 0 problems)
        Continuous Functions on a Closed Bounded Interval (semester 1, week 9; 9 problems)
        Uniformly Continuous Functions (semester 1, week 10; 5 problems)
        Monotonity and Continuity (semester 1, week 10; 2 problems)
        Convexity and Continuity (semester 1, week 10; 7 problems)
    Elementary functions (semester 1, weeks 11-12; 0 problems)
        Arclength of the Graph of the Function (semester 1, week 11; 0 problems)
        Exponential, Logarithm, and Power Functions (semester 1, week 11; 17 problems)
        Inequalities (semester 1, week 12; 1 problems)
        Trigonometric Functions and their Inverses (semester 1, week 12; 3 problems)
    Differential Calculus and its Applications (semester 2, weeks 0-3; 0 problems)
        The Notion of Differentiation (semester 2, week 0; 47 problems)
        Tangents (semester 2, week 1; 11 problems)
        Higher Order Derivatives (semester 2, week 1; 13 problems)
        Local Properties and the Derivative (semester 2, week 1; 4 problems)
        Mean Value Theorems (semester 2, week 1; 3 problems)
        Number of Roots (semester 2, week 1; 5 problems)
        Exercises for Extremal Values (semester 2, week 2; 2 problems)
            Inequalities, Estimates (semester 2, week 2; 14 problems)
        The L'Hospital Rule (semester 2, week 2; 14 problems)
        Polynomial Approximation, Taylor Polynomial (semester 2, week 3; 20 problems)
        Convexity (semester 2, week 3; 5 problems)
        Analysis of Differentiable Functions (semester 2, week 3; 6 problems)
    Riemann Integral (semester 2, weeks 4-11; 0 problems)
        Definite Integral (semester 2, week 4; 11 problems)
        Indefinite Integral (semester 2, weeks 5-6; 13 problems)
        Properties of the Derivative (semester 2, week 6; 2 problems)
        Newton-Leibniz formula (semester 2, week 6; 2 problems)
        Integral Calculus (semester 2, week 7; 5 problems)
        Applications of the Integral Calculus (semester 2, week 8; 4 problems)
            Calculating the Area and the Volume (semester 2, week 8; 0 problems)
            Calculating the Arclength (semester 2, week 8; 3 problems)
            Surface Area of Surfaces of Revolution (semester 2, week 8; 0 problems)
        Integral and Inequalities (semester 2, week 8; 5 problems)
        Improper Integral (semester 2, week 9; 9 problems)
        Liouville Theorem (semester 2, week 10; 0 problems)
        Functions of Bounded Variation (semester 2, week 11; 2 problems)
        Riemann-Stieltjes integral (semester 2, week 11; 2 problems)
    Infinite Series (semester 2, weeks 12-13; 38 problems)
    Sequences and Series of Functions (semester 3, weeks 1-2; 0 problems)
        Convergence of Dequences of Functions (semester 3, week 1; 16 problems)
        Convergence of Series of Functions (semester 3, week 1; 17 problems)
        Taylor and Power Series (semester 3, week 2; 12 problems)
    Differentiability in Higher Dimensions (semester 3, weeks 3-6; 0 problems)
        Topology of the $n$-dimensional Space (semester 3, week 3; 29 problems)
        Real Valued Functions of Several Variables (semester 3, weeks 3-4; 0 problems)
            Limits and Continuity in $R^n$ (semester 3, week 3; 16 problems)
            Differentiation in $R^n$ (semester 3, week 4; 62 problems)
        Vector Valued Functions of Several Variables (semester 3, weeks 5-6; 0 problems)
            Limit and Continuity (semester 3, week 5; 3 problems)
            Differentiation (semester 3, week 5; 11 problems)
            Implicite functions (semester 3, week 6; 0 problems)
    Jordan Measure and Riemann Integral in Higher Dimensions (semester 3, weeks 7-9; 60 problems)
    Integral Theorems of Vector Calculus (semester 3, week 10 -- semester 4, week 1; 0 problems)
        The Line Integral (semester 3, week 10; 11 problems)
        Newton-Leibniz Formula (semester 3, week 11; 6 problems)
        Existence of the Primitive Function (semester 3, week 12; 13 problems)
        Integral Theorems in 2D (semester 4, week 1; 2 problems)
        Integral Theorems in 3D (semester 4, week 1; 12 problems)
    Measure Theory (semester 4, weeks 3-99; 0 problems)
        Set Algebras (semester 4, week 3; 9 problems)
        Measures and Outer Measures (semester 4, week 4; 8 problems)
        Measurable Functions. Integral (semester 4, week 5; 10 problems)
        Integrating Sequences and Series of Functions (semester 4, weeks 7-8; 11 problems)
        Fubini Theorem (semester 4, week 9; 1 problems)
        Differentiation (semester 4, weeks 11-12; 7 problems)
Complex Analysis (semester 5)
    Complex differentiability (semester 5, week 0; 0 problems)
        Complex numbers (semester 5, week 0; 21 problems)
Problem 1515

    What is the product, the sum and the sum of squares of the complex \(\displaystyle m\)th roots of unity?

    Difficulty: 2.

Problem 1512

    \(\displaystyle \binom{n}0+\binom{n}3+\binom{n}6+\ldots=?\)

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 1513

    Let \(\displaystyle a,b,c\in\CC\). What is the geometric interpretation of

    \(\displaystyle \frac12\im\Big((c-a)\cdot\overline{(b-a)}\Big)?\)

    Difficulty: 3. Answer (final result) is provided for this problem.

Problem 1517

    Let \(\displaystyle A_1A_2\ldots A_n\) be the vertices of a regular \(\displaystyle n\)-gon, inscribed into a unit circle, and let \(\displaystyle P\) be another point on the circle. Prove that

    \(\displaystyle PA_1\cdot PA_2\cdot\ldots\cdot PA_n\le 2.\)

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 1521

    Let \(\displaystyle w(z)=\frac 12\left(z+\frac 1z\right)\) be the so called Zhukowksy map. What is the image of

    (a) the unit circle? (b) the interior of the unit circle? (c) the exterior of the unit circle?

    (d) the circles with center \(\displaystyle 0\)? (e) the lines passing through \(\displaystyle 0\)?

    Difficulty: 3. Answer (final result) is provided for this problem.

Problem 1522

    Sketch the set of those complex number for which

    (a) \(\displaystyle \displaystyle\left|\frac{z-1}{z+1}\right|=1\);  (b) \(\displaystyle \displaystyle\left|\frac{z-1}{z+1}\right|=2\);  (c) \(\displaystyle \displaystyle\arg(z+1)=\arg(2z-1)\)  (\(\displaystyle -\pi<\arg z\le\pi\)).

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 1523

    (a) \(\displaystyle \displaystyle\quad \re(z^2)=4\);    (b) \(\displaystyle \displaystyle\re\frac{z-1}{z+1}=0\);  (c) \(\displaystyle 0< \re (iz) < 2\pi\);  (d)

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 1524

    Sketch the set of those complex number for which

    (a) \(\displaystyle \displaystyle\frac{|z|}{\re z} < K\);  (b) \(\displaystyle |z-1|+|z+1| < 4\);  (c) \(\displaystyle \re\displaystyle\frac{1+z}{1-z}>0\).

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 1514

    Assume that \(\displaystyle w:\CC\to\CC\) is a distance preserving map. Show that \(\displaystyle w(z)=Az+B\) or \(\displaystyle w(z)=A\bar{z}+B\), where \(\displaystyle |A|=1\).

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 1516

    What is the product, the sum, and the sum of squares of all primitive \(\displaystyle m\)-th roots of unity?

    Difficulty: 5.

Problem 1518

    Let \(\displaystyle p(z)\in \C[z]\) be of degree at least 1. Prove the following

    (a) If all roots of \(\displaystyle p\) have negative real parts, then \(\displaystyle \re\dfrac{p'(z)}{p(z)} >0\).

    (b) If the roots of \(\displaystyle p(z)\) all lie in the half plane \(\displaystyle \re z<0\), then the same holds for \(\displaystyle p'(z)\).

    (c) (Gauss) If \(\displaystyle p(z)\in \C[z]\), then the roots of \(\displaystyle p'\) are contained in the convex hull of the roots of \(\displaystyle p\).

    Difficulty: 5.

Problem 1527

    Let \(\displaystyle m>1\) and \(\displaystyle a, b:\Z_m\to\CC\) be two functions. Define the sum \(\displaystyle a+b\) and the convolution \(\displaystyle a*b\) of \(\displaystyle a\) and \(\displaystyle b\) as follows

    \(\displaystyle (a+b)(n) = a(n)+b(n); \qquad (a* b)(n) = \sum_{k=0}^{m-1}a(k)b(n-k).\)

    Prove that this makes the set of complex valued functions on \(\displaystyle \Z_m\) a commutative ring with unit.

    Difficulty: 5.

Problem 1528

    Let \(\displaystyle \varepsilon=\cos\frac{2\pi}m+i\sin\frac{2\pi}m\). Define the Fourier transform of a function \(\displaystyle a: \Z_m\rightarrow \C\) by

    \(\displaystyle {\hat a}(n)=\sum_{k=0}^{m-1}a(k)\varepsilon^{nk}.\)

    Show that \(\displaystyle \widehat{(a* b)}(n)={\hat a}(n)\cdot{\hat b}(n).\)

    Difficulty: 6.

Problem 1532

    Let \(\displaystyle a_1,a_2,\ldots\) be a decreasing sequence of positive numbers that converges to \(\displaystyle 0\), and let \(\displaystyle b_1,b_2,\ldots\) be a sequence of complex numbers such that the partial sums \(\displaystyle b_1+\ldots+b_n\) are bounded by a constant independent of \(\displaystyle n\). Prove that \(\displaystyle \displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_nb_n\) is convergent.

    Difficulty: 6.

Problem 1519

    Let \(\displaystyle f(z)\in \C\) be non-constant. Prove the following

    (a) \(\displaystyle \re f\) and \(\displaystyle \im f\) have no local extrema.

    (b) If \(\displaystyle |f|\) has a local extremum at \(\displaystyle z_0\), then \(\displaystyle f(z_0)=0\).

    (c) Prove the fundamental theorem of algebra.

    Difficulty: 7.

Problem 1520

    Let \(\displaystyle n\ge2\) and \(\displaystyle u_1=1,u_2,\ldots,u_n\) be complex numbers with absolute value at most \(\displaystyle 1\), and let

    \(\displaystyle f(z)=(z-u_1)(z-u_2)\ldots(z-u_n). \)

    Show that the polynomial \(\displaystyle f'(z)\) has a root with nonnegative real part.

    KöMaL A. 430.

    Difficulty: 7. Solution is available for this problem.

Problem 1525

    Let \(\displaystyle k(z)=\dfrac z{(1-z)^2}\) be the so called Koebe map. What is the image of the unit disc under the Koebe map?

    Difficulty: 7.

Problem 1526

    Let \(\displaystyle f\in \C[x]\) and let \(\displaystyle T\) be a rectangle such that \(\displaystyle f\) has no root on the boundary of \(\displaystyle T\). Show that the number of roots of \(\displaystyle f\) inside \(\displaystyle T\) agrees with the winding number about \(\displaystyle 0\) of the image of the boundary of \(\displaystyle T\) under \(\displaystyle f\).

    Difficulty: 8.

Problem 1529

    Find a formula for Fourier inversion in case of the finite Fourier transform.

    Difficulty: 8.

Problem 1531

    Let \(\displaystyle f:\CC\to\CC\) be a continuous function for which \(\displaystyle \displaystyle\lim_{z\to\infty}\frac{f(z)}z=1\) (i.e. \(\displaystyle \displaystyle\frac{f(z)}z\to1\) if \(\displaystyle |z|\to\infty\)). Show that the image of \(\displaystyle f\) is \(\displaystyle \CC\).

    Difficulty: 9.

Problem 1533

    Consider \(\displaystyle \C\) as the \(\displaystyle xy\)-plane in 3-space and pick 2 semicircles in the upper half space whose end points are the complex numbers \(\displaystyle a,b\) and \(\displaystyle c,d\). Show that the two semicircles intersect each other orthogonally if and only if \(\displaystyle (a,b,c,d)=-1\).

    (Riesz competition, 1988)

    Difficulty: 9.

            The Riemann sphere (semester 5, week 0; 1 problems)
    Regular functions (semester 5, weeks 1-2; 0 problems)
        Complex differentiability (semester 5, week 1; 7 problems)
        The Cauchy-Riemann equations (semester 5, week 1; 3 problems)
        Power series (semester 5, weeks 1-2; 0 problems)
            Domain of convergence (semester 5, week 2; 9 problems)
            Regularity of power series (semester 5, week 2; 2 problems)
            Taylor series (semester 5, week 2; 1 problems)
        Elementary functions (semester 5, week 2; 0 problems)
            The complex exponential and trigonometric functions (semester 5, week 2; 8 problems)
            Complex logarithm (semester 5, week 2; 12 problems)
    Complex Line Integral and Applications (semester 5, weeks 3-5; 0 problems)
        The complex line integral (semester 5, week 3; 9 problems)
        Cauchy's theorem (semester 5, week 3; 6 problems)
        The Cauchy formula (semester 5, week 4; 12 problems)
        Power and Laurent series expansions (semester 5, week 5; 0 problems)
            Power series expansion (semester 5, week 5; 2 problems)
            Liouville's Theorem (semester 5, week 5; 7 problems)
        Local properties of holomorphic functions (semester 5, week 5; 0 problems)
        Consequences of analyticity (semester 5, week 5; 8 problems)
            The maximum principle (semester 5, week 5; 4 problems)
        Laurent series (semester 5, week 5; 9 problems)
    Isolated singularities (semester 5, weeks 5-8; 0 problems)
        Singularities (semester 5, week 5; 4 problems)
        Cauchy's theorem on residues (semester 5, weeks 7-8; 15 problems)
            Residue calculus (semester 5, week 7; 6 problems)
            Applications (semester 5, week 7; 0 problems)
                Evaluation of series (semester 5, week 7; 7 problems)
                Evaluation of integrals (semester 5, week 7; 26 problems)
            The argument principle and Rouche's theorem (semester 5, week 8; 7 problems)
    Conformal maps (semester 5, weeks 9-10; 0 problems)
        Fractional linear transformations (semester 5, week 9; 20 problems)
        Riemann mapping theorem (semester 5, week 9; 11 problems)
        Schwarz lemma (semester 5, week 9; 12 problems)
        Caratheodory's theorem (semester 5, week 9; 2 problems)
        Schwarz reflection principle (semester 5, week 10; 2 problems)
    Harmonic functions (semester 5, weeks 11-12; 8 problems)
Supported by the Higher Education Restructuring Fund allocated to ELTE by the Hungarian Government