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Real Analysis 1-4 (semesters 1-4)
    Basic notions. Axioms of the real numbers (semester 1, weeks 1-2; 0 problems)
        Fundaments of Logic (semester 1, week 1; 16 problems)
        Proving Techniques: Proof by Contradiction, Induction (semester 1, week 1; 20 problems)
            Fibonacci Numbers (semester 1, week 1; 6 problems)
        Solving Inequalities and Optimization Problems by Inequalities between Means (semester 1, week 1; 19 problems)
        Sets, Functions, Combinatorics (semester 1, week 2; 22 problems)
    Axioms of the real numbers (semester 1, weeks 2-4; 0 problems)
        Field Axioms (semester 1, week 2; 5 problems)
        Ordering Axioms (semester 1, week 2; 6 problems)
        The Archimedean Axiom (semester 1, week 2; 3 problems)
        Cantor Axiom (semester 1, week 2; 7 problems)
        The Real Line, Intervals (semester 1, week 3; 15 problems)
        Completeness Theorem, Connectivity, Topology of the Real Line. (semester 1, week 3; 4 problems)
        Powers (semester 1, week 4; 3 problems)
    Convergence of Sequences (semester 1, weeks 4-6; 0 problems)
        Theoretical Exercises (semester 1, week 4; 61 problems)
        Order of Sequences, Threshold Index (semester 1, week 4; 22 problems)
        Limit Points, liminf, limsup (semester 1, week 5; 15 problems)
        Calculating the Limit of Sequences (semester 1, week 5; 33 problems)
        Recursively Defined Sequences (semester 1, week 5; 21 problems)
        The Number $e$ (semester 1, week 5; 13 problems)
        Bolzano–Weierstrass Theorem and Cauchy Criterion (semester 1, week 6; 5 problems)
        Infinite Sums: Introduction (semester 1, week 6; 21 problems)
    Cardinalities of Sets (semester 1, week 7; 0 problems)
        Countable and not countable sets (semester 1, week 7; 6 problems)
        Not countable Sets (semester 1, week 7; 0 problems)
    Limit and Continuity of Real Functions (semester 1, weeks 7-10; 0 problems)
        Global Properties of Real Functions (semester 1, week 7; 20 problems)
        Continuity and Limits of Functions (semester 1, week 8; 33 problems)
        Calculating Limits of Functions (semester 1, week 8; 29 problems)
        Continuity and Convergent Sequences (semester 1, week 9; 0 problems)
        Continuous Functions on a Closed Bounded Interval (semester 1, week 9; 9 problems)
        Uniformly Continuous Functions (semester 1, week 10; 5 problems)
        Monotonity and Continuity (semester 1, week 10; 2 problems)
        Convexity and Continuity (semester 1, week 10; 7 problems)
    Elementary functions (semester 1, weeks 11-12; 0 problems)
        Arclength of the Graph of the Function (semester 1, week 11; 0 problems)
        Exponential, Logarithm, and Power Functions (semester 1, week 11; 17 problems)
        Inequalities (semester 1, week 12; 1 problems)
        Trigonometric Functions and their Inverses (semester 1, week 12; 3 problems)
    Differential Calculus and its Applications (semester 2, weeks 0-3; 0 problems)
        The Notion of Differentiation (semester 2, week 0; 47 problems)
Problem 638

    Assume that \(\displaystyle f:(a,b)\to \R\) is differentiable, \(\displaystyle \lim_{x\to b}f(x)=\infty\). Does it imply that \(\displaystyle \lim_{x\to b}\) \(\displaystyle f'(x)\) \(\displaystyle =\) \(\displaystyle \infty\)?

    Difficulty: 2.

Problem 639

    \(\displaystyle \Bigg(\sin\bigg({\sin x\over \sqrt{x}}\bigg)\Bigg)'=?\)

    Difficulty: 2.

Problem 642

    Let \(\displaystyle f:\R\to \R\) be differentiable, \(\displaystyle \lim_{x\to \infty} f=1\). Does it imply that \(\displaystyle \lim_{x\to \infty} f'=0\)? And if we also know that \(\displaystyle \lim_{x\to \infty}f'\) exists?

    Difficulty: 2.

Problem 658

    Calculate the derivative:

    \(\displaystyle -x; \qquad 3x^3-2x+1; \qquad \frac{x^2+1}{x^3+2}; \qquad (x^{10}+x^2+1)^{100}; \qquad \dfrac{(x^3+1)^n}{(2+x)\bigg(x^3+\dfrac2{x^2}\bigg)} \)

    Difficulty: 2.

Problem 659

    Calculate the derivative:

    \(\displaystyle \dfrac{(x^2+1)^4(2-x)^8}{x^3+2}\cdot\dfrac{1+\dfrac1{1+x}}{2-x} \)

    Difficulty: 2.

Problem 662

    The following functions are derivatives. For which functions?

    \(\displaystyle 1+x+x^2; \qquad x+\frac1x; \qquad \frac{x^2}{(x^3+1)^2} \)

    Difficulty: 2.

Problem 694

    Calculate the derivative of both sides of the identity

    \(\displaystyle 1+x+x^2+\ldots+x^n = \dfrac{1-x^{n+1}}{1-x} \qquad (x\ne1). \)

    Difficulty: 2.

Problem 640

    \(\displaystyle a)\ \ (x^x)'=?\qquad\qquad b)\ \ \big((\sin x)^{\cos x}\big)'=?\)

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 641

    Where is the function

    \(\displaystyle f(x)=\begin{cases} \ \ x^2 & \text{if $x\in \Q$} \\ -x^2 & \text{if $x\not\in \Q$} \end{cases}\)


    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 646

    Where is the function \(\displaystyle \left( \{ x\} -\frac12 \right) ^2 \) differentiable?

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 647

    Where is the function \(\displaystyle f(x)=\frac{x}{|x|+1}\) differentiable? What is the derivative?

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 648

    Let \(\displaystyle f(x)=x^2 ,\) if \(\displaystyle x\leq 1,\) és \(\displaystyle f(x)=ax+b,\) ha \(\displaystyle x>1.\) For which values of \(\displaystyle a\) and \(\displaystyle b\) will\(\displaystyle f\) be differentiable?

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 651

    Prove that the function \(\displaystyle f(x)=\sqrt x\) is differentiable for all \(\displaystyle a>0\) and \(\displaystyle f'(a)=1/(2\sqrt a ).\)

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 654

    Assume that \(\displaystyle f:\R\to\R\) is differentiable everywhere. Prove that if \(\displaystyle f\) is even, then \(\displaystyle f'\) is odd and vice versa.

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 661

    Calculate the derivative:

    \(\displaystyle \sin x^2 \qquad e^{\tg x} \qquad \log_3(\ctg^2x) \qquad \arc\tg(x^2+1) \qquad \sin\Big(\arch\big(\arc\cos(\log_5x)\big)\Big) \)

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 663

    \(\displaystyle 8x+\cos x\) is strictly monotone increasing. What is the derivative of its inverse in \(\displaystyle 1\)?

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 671

    \(\displaystyle x^x\) is strictly monotone increasing in \(\displaystyle [1,\infty )\). What is the derivative of its inverse in \(\displaystyle 27\)?

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 672

    \(\displaystyle x^5 +x^2\) is strictly monotone increasing in \(\displaystyle [1,\infty )\). What is the derivative of its inverse in \(\displaystyle 2\)?

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 673

    Prove that \(\displaystyle x+\sin x\) is strictly monotone increasing in \(\displaystyle [1,\infty )\). What is the derivative of its inverse in \(\displaystyle 1+(\pi /2)\)?

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 680

    Calculate the derivative of the following functions.

    \(\displaystyle x^3; \qquad 2^x; \qquad \log_{1/2}x; \qquad \frac1{\sqrt{x}}; \qquad e^x+3\ln x \qquad x^23^x \)

    \(\displaystyle \frac{\sin x}x \qquad x^3e^x\cos x; \qquad x^3\cdot\left(\frac12\right)^x; \qquad \frac{x^2\cdot\ln x\cdot 3^x\cdot\cos x}{\sqrt x -\frac{3\sin x}{x^3}}. \)

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 682

    What is the derivative of the inverse function of \(\displaystyle x^5+x^3\) at the point \(\displaystyle -2\)?

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 688

    Prove that if \(\displaystyle f(a)=g(a)\) and \(\displaystyle f(x)\leq g(x)\) in a neighborhood of \(\displaystyle a\), then \(\displaystyle f'(a)=g'(a)\).

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 690

    Calculate the derivative of the following functions.

    \(\displaystyle x^2e^{x^2+\cos x^2} \qquad \log_{\cth^2x+1}\ctg\frac{5^{\tg x}}{\ch x} \qquad \frac{\displaystyle\frac{2^{\ln x/2}}x+\arcth x}{\root3\of{x}+\root5\of{x}} \qquad \frac{\displaystyle \frac{\tg x}{x^2+1}\cdot \frac{\sqrt{x}\cdot 10^x}{\log_3x+x\ctg x} }{\displaystyle (x+1)(x^2+x^e)\cos x} \)

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 693

    \(\displaystyle \big(f(x)^{g(x)}\big)'=? \qquad \big(\log_{f(x)}g(x)\big)'=? \)

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 704

    Assume that \(\displaystyle f:(a,b)\to \R\) is differentiable and \(\displaystyle \lim_{b} f(x)=\infty\). Does it imply that \(\displaystyle \lim_{b} f'(x) = \infty\)?

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 705

    Calculate the derivative!

     (1)  \(\displaystyle \sin\big({\sin x\over \sqrt{x}}\big)\),      (2)  \(\displaystyle x^x\),      (3)  \(\displaystyle (\sin x)^{\cos x}\).

    Difficulty: 3.

Problem 650

    Let \(\displaystyle f(x)=x\cdot (x+1)\cdots (x+100),\) and let \(\displaystyle g=f\circ f\circ f.\) Calculate \(\displaystyle g'(0)\).

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 666

    Let \(\displaystyle f(x)=x^2 \cdot \sin (1/x),\ f(0)=0.\) Prove that \(\displaystyle f\) is differentiable everywhere.

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 670

    Prove that \(\displaystyle x^x\) is differentiable for all \(\displaystyle x>0\). Calculate the derivative!

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 674

    Find a function \(\displaystyle f(x)\) for which \(\displaystyle f'(0)=0\), and not differentiable at any other points.

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 676

    Prove that if \(\displaystyle f'(x)=x^2\) for all \(\displaystyle x\) then there is a constant \(\displaystyle c\) such that \(\displaystyle f(x) =(x^3 /3) +c\).

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 679

    Prove that if \(\displaystyle f(a)=g(a)\) and for \(\displaystyle x>a\) we have \(\displaystyle f'(x)\geq g'(x),\) then \(\displaystyle f(x)\geq g(x)\) for all \(\displaystyle x>a\).

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 684

    Find a function \(\displaystyle f\) such that \(\displaystyle \lim\limits_{x\to\infty}f'(x)=0,\) but \(\displaystyle \lim\limits_{x\to\infty}f(x)\neq 0.\)

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 686

    Assume that      (1)  \(\displaystyle x\cdot f(x), \ \ \ \ \)  (2)  \(\displaystyle f(x^3), \ \ \ \ \)  (3)  \(\displaystyle f^3(x)\)

    is differentiable at 0. Does it imply that \(\displaystyle f(x)\) is differentiable at 0?

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 692


    \(\displaystyle f(x)=\begin{cases} x+2x^2 \cdot \sin\frac1x , & \text{if $x \ne 0 ,$} \cr 0, & \text{if $x = 0.$}\cr \end{cases} \)

    Show that \(\displaystyle f'(0)>1,\) but \(\displaystyle f\) is not monotone increasing in any neighborhood of \(\displaystyle 0\).

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 706

    Suppose that \(\displaystyle f\) is differentiable and \(\displaystyle |f'|<K\). Then \(\displaystyle f\) is uniformly continuous.

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 707

    Prove that the graph of the function

    \(\displaystyle f(x)= \begin{cases} x^x & \text{if $x>0$} \\ 0 & \text{if $x=0$} \end{cases} \)

    is tangent to the \(\displaystyle y\)-axis.

    Difficulty: 4.

Problem 677

    Prove that if \(\displaystyle f'(x)=f(x)\) for all \(\displaystyle x\) then there is a constant \(\displaystyle c\), such that \(\displaystyle f(x)=c\cdot e^x\).

    Difficulty: 5.

Problem 689

    Calculate the derivative of the Chebishev polynomials at \(\displaystyle 1\): \(\displaystyle T_n'(1)=?\)  \(\displaystyle U_n'(1)=?\)

    Difficulty: 5.

Problem 698

    Is there a function \(\displaystyle f:\R\to\R\) such that \(\displaystyle f'(x)=\infty\) for all \(\displaystyle x\)?

    Difficulty: 5.

Problem 700

    Is it true that if \(\displaystyle f\) is continuous in \(\displaystyle a\) and \(\displaystyle \lim_{x\to a} f'(x)=\infty\), then \(\displaystyle f'(a)=\infty\)"?

    Difficulty: 5.

Problem 708

    \(\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} {n^3\over 3^n}=?\)

    Difficulty: 5.

Problem 711

    Prove that if \(\displaystyle f\) is differentiable at \(\displaystyle a\), then

    \(\displaystyle \lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(a+h)-f(a-h)}{2h}=f'(a). \)

    Show that the statement cannot be reversed.

    Difficulty: 5.

Problem 675

    Prove that if \(\displaystyle f'(x)\geq \frac1{100}\), then \(\displaystyle \lim\limits_{x\to\infty}f(x)=\infty\).

    Difficulty: 6.

Problem 699

    Find an everywhere differentiable function with a non continuous derivative!

    Check the Darboux theorem for the derivative!

    Difficulty: 6.

Problem 657

    Let \(\displaystyle [a,a+\delta)\subset D(f)\). Put the following quantities in increasing order:

    \(\displaystyle \overline{f_+'}(a) \qquad \underline{f_+'}(a) \qquad \Olim_{a+0}\overline{f'} \qquad \Olim_{a+0}\underline{f'} \qquad \Ulim_{a+0}\overline{f'} \qquad \Ulim_{a+0}\underline{f'} \)

    Difficulty: 7.

Problem 664

    Does there exists a monotone \(\displaystyle \R\to\R\) function which is not differentiable at any point?

    Difficulty: 10.

        Tangents (semester 2, week 1; 11 problems)
        Higher Order Derivatives (semester 2, week 1; 13 problems)
        Local Properties and the Derivative (semester 2, week 1; 4 problems)
        Mean Value Theorems (semester 2, week 1; 3 problems)
        Number of Roots (semester 2, week 1; 5 problems)
        Exercises for Extremal Values (semester 2, week 2; 2 problems)
            Inequalities, Estimates (semester 2, week 2; 14 problems)
        The L'Hospital Rule (semester 2, week 2; 14 problems)
        Polynomial Approximation, Taylor Polynomial (semester 2, week 3; 20 problems)
        Convexity (semester 2, week 3; 5 problems)
        Analysis of Differentiable Functions (semester 2, week 3; 6 problems)
    Riemann Integral (semester 2, weeks 4-11; 0 problems)
        Definite Integral (semester 2, week 4; 11 problems)
        Indefinite Integral (semester 2, weeks 5-6; 13 problems)
        Properties of the Derivative (semester 2, week 6; 2 problems)
        Newton-Leibniz formula (semester 2, week 6; 2 problems)
        Integral Calculus (semester 2, week 7; 5 problems)
        Applications of the Integral Calculus (semester 2, week 8; 4 problems)
            Calculating the Area and the Volume (semester 2, week 8; 0 problems)
            Calculating the Arclength (semester 2, week 8; 3 problems)
            Surface Area of Surfaces of Revolution (semester 2, week 8; 0 problems)
        Integral and Inequalities (semester 2, week 8; 5 problems)
        Improper Integral (semester 2, week 9; 9 problems)
        Liouville Theorem (semester 2, week 10; 0 problems)
        Functions of Bounded Variation (semester 2, week 11; 2 problems)
        Riemann-Stieltjes integral (semester 2, week 11; 2 problems)
    Infinite Series (semester 2, weeks 12-13; 38 problems)
    Sequences and Series of Functions (semester 3, weeks 1-2; 0 problems)
        Convergence of Dequences of Functions (semester 3, week 1; 16 problems)
        Convergence of Series of Functions (semester 3, week 1; 17 problems)
        Taylor and Power Series (semester 3, week 2; 12 problems)
    Differentiability in Higher Dimensions (semester 3, weeks 3-6; 0 problems)
        Topology of the $n$-dimensional Space (semester 3, week 3; 29 problems)
        Real Valued Functions of Several Variables (semester 3, weeks 3-4; 0 problems)
            Limits and Continuity in $R^n$ (semester 3, week 3; 16 problems)
            Differentiation in $R^n$ (semester 3, week 4; 62 problems)
        Vector Valued Functions of Several Variables (semester 3, weeks 5-6; 0 problems)
            Limit and Continuity (semester 3, week 5; 3 problems)
            Differentiation (semester 3, week 5; 11 problems)
            Implicite functions (semester 3, week 6; 0 problems)
    Jordan Measure and Riemann Integral in Higher Dimensions (semester 3, weeks 7-9; 60 problems)
    Integral Theorems of Vector Calculus (semester 3, week 10 -- semester 4, week 1; 0 problems)
        The Line Integral (semester 3, week 10; 11 problems)
        Newton-Leibniz Formula (semester 3, week 11; 6 problems)
        Existence of the Primitive Function (semester 3, week 12; 13 problems)
        Integral Theorems in 2D (semester 4, week 1; 2 problems)
        Integral Theorems in 3D (semester 4, week 1; 12 problems)
    Measure Theory (semester 4, weeks 3-99; 0 problems)
        Set Algebras (semester 4, week 3; 9 problems)
        Measures and Outer Measures (semester 4, week 4; 8 problems)
        Measurable Functions. Integral (semester 4, week 5; 10 problems)
        Integrating Sequences and Series of Functions (semester 4, weeks 7-8; 11 problems)
        Fubini Theorem (semester 4, week 9; 1 problems)
        Differentiation (semester 4, weeks 11-12; 7 problems)
Complex Analysis (semester 5)
    Complex differentiability (semester 5, week 0; 0 problems)
        Complex numbers (semester 5, week 0; 21 problems)
            The Riemann sphere (semester 5, week 0; 1 problems)
    Regular functions (semester 5, weeks 1-2; 0 problems)
        Complex differentiability (semester 5, week 1; 7 problems)
        The Cauchy-Riemann equations (semester 5, week 1; 3 problems)
        Power series (semester 5, weeks 1-2; 0 problems)
            Domain of convergence (semester 5, week 2; 9 problems)
            Regularity of power series (semester 5, week 2; 2 problems)
            Taylor series (semester 5, week 2; 1 problems)
        Elementary functions (semester 5, week 2; 0 problems)
            The complex exponential and trigonometric functions (semester 5, week 2; 8 problems)
            Complex logarithm (semester 5, week 2; 12 problems)
    Complex Line Integral and Applications (semester 5, weeks 3-5; 0 problems)
        The complex line integral (semester 5, week 3; 9 problems)
        Cauchy's theorem (semester 5, week 3; 6 problems)
        The Cauchy formula (semester 5, week 4; 12 problems)
        Power and Laurent series expansions (semester 5, week 5; 0 problems)
            Power series expansion (semester 5, week 5; 2 problems)
            Liouville's Theorem (semester 5, week 5; 7 problems)
        Local properties of holomorphic functions (semester 5, week 5; 0 problems)
        Consequences of analyticity (semester 5, week 5; 8 problems)
            The maximum principle (semester 5, week 5; 4 problems)
        Laurent series (semester 5, week 5; 9 problems)
    Isolated singularities (semester 5, weeks 5-8; 0 problems)
        Singularities (semester 5, week 5; 4 problems)
        Cauchy's theorem on residues (semester 5, weeks 7-8; 15 problems)
            Residue calculus (semester 5, week 7; 6 problems)
            Applications (semester 5, week 7; 0 problems)
                Evaluation of series (semester 5, week 7; 7 problems)
                Evaluation of integrals (semester 5, week 7; 26 problems)
            The argument principle and Rouche's theorem (semester 5, week 8; 7 problems)
    Conformal maps (semester 5, weeks 9-10; 0 problems)
        Fractional linear transformations (semester 5, week 9; 20 problems)
        Riemann mapping theorem (semester 5, week 9; 11 problems)
        Schwarz lemma (semester 5, week 9; 12 problems)
        Caratheodory's theorem (semester 5, week 9; 2 problems)
        Schwarz reflection principle (semester 5, week 10; 2 problems)
    Harmonic functions (semester 5, weeks 11-12; 8 problems)
Supported by the Higher Education Restructuring Fund allocated to ELTE by the Hungarian Government